The GECOM-CONCOORD conference was created in 1993 by the combination of the "Organometallic Chemistry Study Group (GECOM)" and the "Coordination Chemistry Cooperation (CONCOORD)". It is an annual meeting, organized by a different committee each year at a different place. It was last organized by Toulouse in 2014, and we are pleased to host this event again in 2024.
The conference brings together the inorganic scientific community interested in coordination and organometallic chemistry, unifying four main fields: i) chemistry and reactivity of coordination complexes, ii) catalysis, iii) coordination and materials chemistry and iv) bio-inorganic chemistry. This is thus a vast field of modern chemistry at the frontier between physical and life sciences, playing a central role in addressing major societal challenges associated with energy production and storage, information storage, green and sustainable chemistry, supramolecular and bio-inorganic chemistry.
You can now download the book of abstracts here, or the detailled program there
We are looking forward to your participation!